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What We Do - Activities

We call our Sunday PM gatherings “liturgy,” which means, “work of the people.”  We’re always looking for ways to practice and celebrate our life together, in both the joys and sorrows, including some of the offerings below:


+GARDENING AND FOOD SOLIDARITY – Peace Community Gardens, our weekly Gather at the Gardens, our Produce Stand, and our partnership with Rochester Food Not Bombs, the Flower City Pickers and the Alianza Agricola provide numerous opportunities to get into the dirt and share abdunace with others!


+OPEN SPACES: OUTDOOR GATHERINGS- During the warmer months, we gather on alternating Sunday mornings at a local park (Ellison, Durand-Eastman, Mendon, etc) for a family-friendly Eucharist and time of community building.  Check the front page slideshow for upcoming offerings!  Email to get on the mailing list!


+BRUNCH/SUPPER LITURGIES – On holiday weekends and throughout the year, we gather at SWM or at someone’s house for a brief Eucharist, followed by a shared meal and time for community conversation.


+CELL GROUPS – Micro-communities of 10-12 folks who gather regularly from across diverse or non-existent spiritual and religious backgrounds to practice spirituality and share community together.


+CONTEMPLATIVE PRAYER/MINDFULNESS – In addition to our weekly Midweek Mindful Vespers, which seeks to bring together folks across traditions to deepen their meditation practice, we offer workshops and sessions throughout the year around a variety of non-dualistic practices and traditions.


+CHOIR GUILD – Made up of anyone who comes to Sunday PM liturgy at 4pm to learn the music for the evening, as well as to work on other pieces of sacred music from across genres and styles.  Singers then sit in the midst of the community to help others feel more comfortable singing, and to provide harmonies!


+SWAP – South Wedge Abbey Project – During the seasons of Advent and Lent, we’ve created a journal-based tool to help you develop a consistent, committed, communal daily spiritual practice in 3 minutes a day or less.  Participants meet together to reflect and go deeper, and its open to folks of all different levels of practice and experience.  We also host community campfires, group hikes, paddling sessions and other fun outdoor activities thorughout the year!


+BEER AND CAROLS – Our “other Christmas Eve” service, and one of the highlights of the year!  Hundreds of neighbors and folks from across Rochester gather at a local bar (Tap and Mallet, Old Stone Tavern, etc) to sing carols, share beverages, and celebrate the heck out of life together!  Usually on the Third Sunday of Advent each year.


+ANNUAL NEIGHBORHOOD EGG HUNT – Continuing a long-time neighborhood tradition, every year on the Saturday before Easter, we welcome folks from across the community to Ellwanger-Berry Park (Linden and Meigs) for an inclusive, family-friendly way to welcome Spring!


+OTHER NEIGHBORHOOD EVENTS – Depending on the year, we’ve offered a Blessing of the Bikes, Blessing of the Animals, our Autumn Roots Neighborhood Festival, as well as a mock Solitary Confinement Cell to end the practice, Roc-Acts and Neighborhood Association meetings, and anything else neighbors or SWMers can come up with!


+LIVE AT MISSION HALL – On hiatus due to COVID, our sanctuary also doubles as an acoustically awesome space for live music!  From folk, jazz, indy and rock to classical, choral, ambient and African Drum and Dance, we love welcoming the best of local live music into our space to amplify and share with our neighbors!  If interested in booking a show, contact

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